GPIB-1014 User Manual Index-7 © National Instruments Corporation
continue mode of operation, 6-18
halt, 6-18
initiating the operation, 6-18
interrupt enable, 6-19
software abort, 6-18
overview, 6-15
DMAI (DMA Input Enable Bit), 4-16
DMAO (DMA Out Enable Bit), 4-16
DO (Data Out Bit), 4-12
DO IE (Data Out Interrupt Enable Bit), 4-12
abbreviations used in the manual, vi
related documents, vi to vii, E-7
don't care bits, 4-3. See also X (Don't Care Bit).
DPS (Device Port Size Bit), 4-51
DT (Disable Talker Bit), 4-43
DT0 (Disable Talker 0 Bit), 4-42
DT1 (Disable Talker 1 Bit), 4-44
DTB control transceivers, 2-12
DTB Requester and Controller
flip-flop operations (illustration), 6-10
theory of operation, 6-9 to 6-12
typical bus arbitration process, 6-11
DTYP (Device Type Bits 5 through 4), 4-51