GPIB-1014 User Manual Index-17 © National Instruments Corporation
SCR. See Sequence Control Register.
SDC (Selected Device Clear) command, 4-25
Send EOI (SEOI) command
codes for, 4-28
description, 4-30
sending/receiving messages
using direct memory access
DMA transfers with carry cycle, 5-13 to 5-17
DMA transfers without carry cycle, 5-10 to 5-12
polling during DMAs, 5-17
sending END or EOS, 5-17
terminating on END or EOS, 5-19
terminating transfer and checking results, 5-17 to 5-19
using programmed I/O, 5-19 to 5-20
sending and receiving data, 5-19 to 5-20
sending END or EOS, 5-20
terminating on END or EOS, 5-20
Sequence Control Register (SCR), 4-55
Serial Poll Mode Register (SPMR), 4-19
Serial Poll Status Register (SPSR), 4-19
serial polls
conducting, 5-22
responding to, 5-22
Set IFC command
codes for, 4-28
description, 4-32
Set Parallel Poll Flag command
codes for, 4-28
description, 4-31
Set REN command
codes for, 4-28
description, 4-32
SFL (System Fail Bit), 4-66
SH (Source Handshake), 4-7
signals and lines
data lines, E-2
GPIB-1014 pin assignment on VMEbus connector P1, 3-8
GPIB-1014 pin assignment on VMEbus connector P2, 3-9
GPIB connector and signal assignments (illustration), E-4
handshake lines
DAV (data valid), E-3
NDAC (not data accepted), E-3
NRFD (not ready for data), E-2
overview, E-2
interface management lines
ATN (attention), E-3
EOI (end or identify), E-3
IFC (interface clear), E-3
overview, E-3