GPIB-1014 User Manual Index-13 © National Instruments Corporation
OCR. See Operation Control Register.
operands and addressing, DMAC channel operation, 6-17
operating environment, A-1
Operation Control Register (OCR), 4-53 to 4-54
optional equipment for GPIB-1014, 1-3
PP[3-1] (Parallel Poll Response Bits 3 through 1), 4-36
Parallel Poll Register (PPR), 4-35 to 4-36
parallel polls
conducting, 5-23
overview, 5-22
responding to, 5-24
parts list and schematic diagrams, B-1 to B-9
PASS CONTROL-PASSC sample program, C-21
PCL (Peripheral Control Line Bits 1 through 0), 4-52
PCS (Peripheral Control Status Bit), 4-59
PCT (Peripheral Control Transition Bit), 4-59, 4-62
PEND (Pending Bit), 4-19
physical and electrical characteristics
description of, 2-1 to 2-2, E-4
GPIB connector and signal assignments (illustration), E-4
linear configuration (illustration), E-5
specifications, A-1
star configuration (illustration), E-6
pin assignments. See signals.
power requirement, A-1
PPC (Parallel Poll Configure) command, 4-25
PPR. See Parallel Poll Register (PPR).
PPU (Parallel Poll Unconfigure) command, 4-26
programmed I/O transfers
overview, 2-8
sending and receiving data, 5-19 to 5-20
sending END or EOS, 5-20
terminating on END or EOS, 5-20
Controller function
becoming controller-in-charge (CIC) and active controller, 5-3
going from active to idle, 5-5
going from active to standby, 5-4
going from standby to active, 5-4
sending remote multiline messages (commands), 5-4
initialization, 5-1 to 5-3
interrupts, 5-20 to 5-21
parallel polls, 5-22 to 5-24
sample programs