VMEbus Address: Base Address + 11B (hex)
Attributes: Write Only, Internal to TLC
Permits Access to Hidden Registers
7 654 321 0
The Auxiliary Mode Register (AUXMR) is used to issue auxiliary commands. It is also used to
program the five hidden registers:
• Auxiliary Register A (AUXRA)
• Auxiliary Register B (AUXRB)
• Parallel Poll Register (PPR)
• Auxiliary Register E (AUXRE)
• Internal Counter Register (ICR)
Table 4-4 shows the control and command codes used.
Bit Mnemonic Description
7-5w CNT[2-0] Control Code Bits 2 through 0
These bits indicate the control code (that is, the manner in which the
information in bits COM[4-0] is to be used). If CNT[2-0] are all zero,
the special command selected by COM[4-0] is executed. Otherwise,
the hidden register selected by CNT[2-0] is loaded with the data from
4-0w COM[4-0] Command Code Bits 4 through 0
These bits indicate the command code of the special function if the
control code is 000. Table 4-4 is a summary of the implemented
special functions. Table 4-5 explains the details of each special
function. If the control code is not 000, these bits are written to one of
the hidden registers (indicated by the control code in CNT[2-0]).