Register Bit Descriptions Chapter 4
GPIB-1014 User Manual 4-20 © National Instruments Corporation
Address Status Register (ADSR)
VMEbus Address: Base Address + 119 (hex)
Attributes: Read Only, Internal to TLC
756 43210
The Address Status Register (ADSR) contains information that can be used to monitor the TLC
GPIB address status.
Bit Mnemonic Description
7r CIC Controller-In-Charge Bit
CIC indicates that the TLC GPIB Controller function is in an active or
standby state, with ATN* on or off, respectively. If CIC=0, the
Controller function is in an idle state, with ATN* off.
6r ATN* Attention* Bit
ATN* is a Status bit that indicates the current level of the GPIB ATN*
signal. If ATN* = 0, the GPIB ATN* signal is asserted.
5r SPMS Serial Poll Mode State Bit
If SPMS=1, the TLC GPIB Talker (T) or Talker Extended (TE)
function is able to participate in a Serial Poll. SPMS is set when the
TLC has been addressed as a GPIB Talker and the GPIB Active
Controller has issued the GPIB Serial Poll Enable (SPE) command
message. SPMS is cleared when the GPIB Serial Poll Disable (SPD)
command is received by pon, by LMR (CR0[2]w), or by issuing the
Chip Reset auxiliary command.
4r LPAS Listener Primary Addressed State Bit
The LPAS bit is used when the TLC is configured for extended GPIB
addressing and, when set, indicates that the TLC has received its
primary listen address. In mode 3 addressing (see Address Mode
Register in this chapter), LPAS=1 indicates that the secondary address
being received on the next GPIB command represents the TLC
extended (secondary) GPIB listen address. LPAS is cleared by pon, by
LMR (CR0[2]w), or by issuing the Chip Reset auxiliary command.