General Description Chapter 2
GPIB-1014 User Manual 2-14 © National Instruments Corporation
Table 2-5. GPIB-1014 IEEE 488 Interface Capabilities (continued)
Capability Code Description
DC1 Complete Device Clear capability with software
DT1 Complete Device Trigger capability with software
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 Complete Controller capability
System Controller
Send IFC and take charge
Send REN
Respond to SRQ
Send interface messages
Receive control
Pass control
Parallel Poll
Take control synchronously or asynchronously
E1, E2 Tri-state bus drivers with automatic switch to open
Collector drivers during Parallel Poll
The GPIB-1014 has complete Source and Acceptor Handshake capability.
The GPIB-1014 can operate as a basic Talker or Extended Talker and can respond to a Serial
Poll. It can be placed in a Talk Only mode and is unaddressed to talk when it receives its
listen address.
The interface can operate as a basic Listener or Extended Listener. It can be placed in a
Listen Only mode and is unaddressed to listen when it receives its talk address.
The GPIB-1014 has full capabilities for requesting service from another Controller. The ability
to place the GPIB-1014 in local mode is included, but the interpretation of remote versus local
mode is software-dependent. Full Parallel Poll capability is included in the interface, although
local configuration requires software assistance. Device Clear and Trigger capability is included
in the interface, but the interpretation is software-dependent. All Controller functions, as
indicated by the IEEE 488 standard, are included in the GPIB-1014. These include the capability
to do the following functions:
Be System Controller
Initialize the interface
Send Remote Enable
Respond to Service Request
Send multiline command messages