Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR)
ProSafe Managed Switch
no mvr
This command disables MVR.
mvr group
This command adds an MVR membership group. <A.B.C.D> is the IP multicast group being
The count is the number of incremental multicast groups being added (the first multicast group is
A.B.C.D). If a count is not specified, then only one multicast group is added.
no mvr group
This command removes the MVR membership group.
mvr mode
This command changes the MVR mode type. If the mode is set to compatible, then the switch
does not learn multicast groups; they need to be configured by the operator as the protocol does
not forward joins from the hosts to the router. To operate in this mode, the IGMP router needs to
be statically configured to transmit all required multicast streams to the MVR switch. If the mode
is set to dynamic, then the switch learns existing multicast groups by snooping the IGMP queries
from router on source ports and forwarding the IGMP joins from the hosts to the IGMP router on
the multicast VLAN (with appropriate translation of the VLAN ID).
Format no mvr
Mode Global Config
Interface Config
Format mvr group <A.B.C.D> [count]
Mode Global Config
Format no mvr group <A.B.C.D> [count]
Mode Global Config
Format mvr mode { compatible |dynamic }
Mode Global Config
Default compatible