Routing Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
no ip vrrp
Use this command in Global Config mode to disable the default administrative mode of
VRRP on the router.
Format no ip vrrp
ip vrrp (Interface Config)
Use this command in Interface Config mode to create a virtual router associated with the
interface. The parameter <vrid> is the virtual router ID, which has an integer value range
from 1 to 255.
Format ip vrrp <vrid>
no ip vrrp
Use this command in Interface Config mode to delete the virtual router associated with the
interface. The virtual Router ID, <vrid>, is an integer value that ranges from 1 to 255.
Format no ip vrrp <vrid>
ip vrrp mode
This command enables the virtual router configured on the specified interface. Enabling the
status field starts a virtual router. The parameter <vrid> is the virtual router ID which has an
integer value ranging from 1 to 255.
Format ip vrrp <vrid> mode
no ip vrrp mode
This command disables the virtual router configured on the specified interface. Disabling the
status field stops a virtual router.
Format no ip vrrp <vrid> mode
Global Config
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config