Routing Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
ip vrrp preempt
This command sets the preemption mode value for the virtual router configured on a
specified interface. The parameter <vrid> is the virtual router ID, which is an integer from 1
to 255.
Format ip vrrp <vrid> preempt
no ip vrrp preempt
This command sets the default preemption mode value for the virtual router configured on a
specified interface.
Format no ip vrrp <vrid> preempt
ip vrrp priority
This command sets the priority of a router within a VRRP group. Higher values equal higher
priority. The range is from 1 to 254. The parameter <vrid> is the virtual router ID, whose
range is from 1 to 255.
The router with the highest priority is elected master. If a router is configured with the address
used as the address of the virtual router, the router is called the “address owner.” The priority
of the address owner is always 255 so that the address owner is always master. If the master
has a priority less than 255 (it is not the address owner) and you configure the priority of
another router in the group higher than the master’s priority, the router will take over as
master only if preempt mode is enabled.
Format ip vrrp <vrid> priority <1-254>
no ip vrrp priority
This command sets the default priority value for the virtual router configured on a specified
Format no ip vrrp <vrid> priority
Interface Config
Interface Config
100 unless the router is the address owner, in which case its priority is automatically set to
Interface Config
Interface Config