Management Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
Use this command to add a new user to the local user database. The default privilege level is
1. Using the encrypted keyword allows the administrator to transfer local user passwords
between devices without having to know the passwords. When the password parameter is
used along with encrypted parameter, the password must be exactly 128 hexadecimal
characters in length. If the password strength feature is enabled, this command checks for
password strength and returns an appropriate error if it fails to meet the password strength
criteria. Giving the optional parameter override-complexity-check disables the validation of
the password strength.
Format username name {password password [encrypted
[override-complexity-check] | level level [encrypted
[override-complexity-check]] | override-complexity-check]} |
{level level [override-complexity-check] password}
no username
Use this command to remove a user account.
Format no username <username>
Note: You cannot delete the “admin” user account.
Global Config
Term Definition
Name The name of the user, up to 32 characters.
Password The password for the users 8-64 characters. This value can be zero if the no passwords
min-length command has been executed. The special characters allowed in the
password include: ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~.
level Specifies the user level. If not specified, the privilege level is 1. Level 0 can be assigned
by a level 15 user to another user to suspend that user’s access. Range 0-15. Enter
access level 1 for Read Access or 15 for Read/Write Access.
encrypted Encrypted password you enter, copied from another device configuration.
exity-check Disables the validation of the password strength.
Global Config