Routing Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
ip vrrp ip
This command sets the virtual router IP address value for an interface. The value for
<ipaddr> is the IP address which is to be configured on that interface for VRRP. The
parameter <vrid> is the virtual router ID which has an integer value range from 1 to 255.
You can use the optional [secondary] parameter to designate the IP address as a
secondary IP address.
Format ip vrrp <vrid> ip <ipaddr> [secondary]
no ip vrrp ip
Use this command in Interface Config mode to delete a secondary IP address value from the
interface. To delete the primary IP address, you must delete the virtual router on the
Format no ip vrrp <vrid> <ipaddress> secondary
ip vrrp authentication
This command sets the authorization details value for the virtual router configured on a
specified interface. The parameter {none | simple} specifies the authorization type for
virtual router configured on the specified interface. The parameter [key] is optional, it is only
required when authorization type is simple text password. The parameter <vrid> is the
virtual router ID which has an integer value ranges from 1 to 255.
Format ip vrrp <vrid> authentication {none | simple <key>}
no ip vrrp authentication
This command sets the default authorization details value for the virtual router configured on
a specified interface.
Format no ip vrrp <vrid> authentication
Interface Config
Interface Config
no authorization
Interface Config
Interface Config