Log Messages
ProSafe Managed Switch
SSHD SSHD: Unknown UI event in message,
event=XXXX Failed to dispatch the UI event to the
appropriate SSHD function as it’s an invalid
event. XXXX indicates the event to be
SSHD sshdApiCnfgrCommand: Failed calling
sshdIssueCmd. Failed to send the message to the SSHD
message queue
Table 19. SSLT Log Messages
Component Message Cause
SSLT SSLT: Exceeded maximum,
ssltConnectionTask Exceeded maximum allowed SSLT
SSLT SSLT: Error creating Secure server socket6 Failed to create secure server socket for
SSLT SSLT: Can't connect to unsecure server at
XXXX, result = YYYY, errno = ZZZZ Failed to open connection to unsecure
server. XXXX is the unsecure server socket
address. YYYY is the result returned from
connect function and ZZZZ is the error
SSLT SSLT: Msg Queue is full, event=XXXX Failed to send the received message to the
SSLT message queue as message queue
is full. XXXX indicates the event to be sent.
SSLT SSLT: Unknown UI event in message,
event=XXXX Failed to dispatch the received UI event to
the appropriate SSLT function as it’s an
invalid event. XXXX indicates the event to
be dispatched.
SSLT ssltApiCnfgrCommand: Failed calling
ssltIssueCmd. Failed to send the message to the SSLT
message queue.
SSLT SSLT: Error loading certificate from file
XXXX Failed while loading the SSLcertificate from
specified file. XXXX indicates the file from
where the certificate is being read.
SSLT SSLT: Error loading private key from file Failed while loading private key for SSL
SSLT SSLT: Error setting cipher list (no valid
ciphers) Failed while setting cipher list.
SSLT SSLT: Could not delete the SSL
semaphores Failed to delete SSL semaphores during
cleanup.of all resources associated with
the OpenSSL Locking semaphores.
Table 18. SSHD Log Messages
Component Message Cause