Stacking Commands
ProSafe Managed Switch
When you specify a value for <unit>, the following information appears:
Plugged-In Model
Identifier The model identifier of the switch in the stack. Model Identifier is a 32-character field
assigned by the device manufacturer to identify the device.
Switch Status The switch status. Possible values for this state are: OK, Unsup ported, Code
Mismatch, Config Mismatch, or Not Present.
Code Version The detected version of code on this switch.
Term Definition
Status Indicates whether the switch is the Primary Management Unit, a stack member, or the
status is unassigned.
The hardware management preference of the switch. The hardware management
preference can be disabled or unassigned.
The administrative management preference value assigned to the switch. This
preference value indicates how likely the switch is to be chosen as the Primary
Management Unit.
Switch Type The 32-bit numeric switch type.
Model Identifier The model identifier for this switch. Model Identifier is a 32-character field assigned by
the device manufacturer to identify the device.
Switch Status The switch status. Possible values are OK, Unsupported, Code Mismatch, Config
Mismatch, or Not Present.
Description The switch description.
Expected Code
Version The expected code version.
Detected Code
Version The version of code running on this switch. If the switch is not present and the data is
from pre-configuration, then the code version is “None”.
Detected Code in
Flash The version of code that is currently stored in FLASH memory on the switch. This code
executes after the switch is reset. If the switch is not present and the data is from
pre-configuration, then the code version is “None”.
Stack Template ID The ID of the stack template currently in use. For example: 3.
Stack Template
Description The stack template description. For example: v1 and v2 Mix.
Up Time The system up time.
Term Definition