Parameter description | Parameter name | Parameter values |
Qualified file name | QFNAME1 | micro file name |
New file name | NEWFIL | new file name |
Process done on which | MICLIST | *REQUESTER |
micro? | DSPSTSMSG | device name |
Display status message? | *NO or *YES |
Issue PWRRENAMEB on the command line and press F4 to prompt in order to rename an existing micro file on a specified micro or micros. You can issue PWRRENAMEB from a micro in emulation mode or from a dumb terminal. You can also run this command in batch mode.
The PWRRENAMEB parameters are described below:
QFNAME The name of the micro file to be renamed.
NEWFIL The new name to be given to the micro file. Do not include the path name with the file.
MICLST The device name of the micro that contains the file to be renamed.
*REQUESTER Renames the file on the micro from which the command is initiated.
device name Renames the file on the micro with this device name.
DSPSTSMSG Displays program status messages during the execution of the command.
*YES Status messages are displayed (the default).
*NO Status messages are not displayed.
ETU400 User Guide 011603 |