The VWSAVRQS command displays the request definitions saved with the FROM3XB, PWRFROM3XB, PWRTO3XB, PCTOPC, PCFROMPC, and TO3XB commands. Once you display the request definitions, you can run them interactively or submit the power commands to batch. You can also change or delete any of the saved requests. You may take action on more than one saved request at a time.
To use the command, enter VWSAVRQS on the AS/400 command line. This displays all previously saved requests made by the user executing the VWSAVRQS command.
To take action on a request, enter one of the following codes adjacent to it.
The option codes and the actions they represent are:
1 | Execute | Interactively runs the command using the saved |
| definition. |
2 | Submit to batch | Prompts for the job description parameters and |
| submits the request to batch. Only the ETU power |
| commands may be submitted to batch; not the |
| FROM3XB or TO3XB commands. Batch command cannot |
| be longer than 256 characters. |
3 | Change | Allows you to change the saved request. |
4 | Delete | Deletes the specified request |
5 | Extended view | Displays the full request, if it is longer than |
| 45 characters. Only 45 characters are normally |
| displayed on the screen. If the saved request is |
longer than 45 characters, it will be displayed on this screen followed by an ellipsis (...).
Fold/Unfold: The function key F1 provides an alternative view of the highlighted request. It shows you the name of the user who created the definition, the device from which it was created, the creation date, and creation time. It also lists the name of the user who last changed the definition, the workstation from which it was changed and the date and time that the change occurred.
Figure 10-3 VWSAVRQS prompt screen
1/07/03 |
| View saved request | definitions | |
Options: | 1= | Execute | 2= | Submit to batch 3= Change |
| 4= | Delete | 5= | Extended view |
Rqs name | Cmd name | Cmd parms |
| PWRTO3XB | QFNAME1('c:\bootlog.txt') MICLST(NLRISCLIF... |
F1= Unfold/Fold | F3= Exit |
ETU400 User Guide 011603 |