Parameter description

Parameter name

Parameter values

Command name to submit


ETU command name

Job name



Job description


submitted job name



Library name


job description name



Job queue


library name



Library name


Job queue name



Display status message?


library name

*NO or *YES

The SBMBATXFER command submits the ETU power commands (PCFROMPC, PCTOPC, PWRFROM3XB, and PWRTO3XB) to batch.

SBMCMDNAM The name of the ETU command you want to submit to batch. Enter PCFROMPC, PCTOPC, PWRFROM3XB, or PWRTO3XB.

JOBNAME The name of the job you are submitting to batch. The default, *JOBD, assigns the name of the job description from the user's AS/400 user profile. You can specify any name up to ten characters.

JOBD The job description. The default, *USRPRF, uses the job description associated with the user's AS/400 profile.

Library name The name of the library containing the job description. The default, *LIBL, searches all libraries in the user's library list.

JOBQ The name of the AS/400 job queue to which the command will be sent. The default, QBATCH, is an IBM-supplied job queue.

Library name The name of the library containing the job queue. The default, *LIBL, searches all libraries in the user's library list.

HOLD Specifies whether the job will be held or not once it is placed on the job queue. The default is *NO. To hold the job, enter *YES. You must then manually release the job.

NOTE: If you are submitting one of the ETU power commands to batch, you must change the default value, *REQUESTER, in the power command to the actual device address you will use.

ETU400 User Guide 011603


Page 172
Image 172
Nlynx ETU400 manual Sbmbatxfer Command, Sbmcmdname, Jobd, Userprf