configuring groups, 57
groups and subgroups verification, 91 groups for CDN, configuring, 57 ring threshold, 62
subgroups, configuring, 65 verification, 91
ACD groups configuration, 60 configuring, 67
calls not presented, 108
configuring ACD groups configuration, 60 configuring logon IDs, 76
configuring on the server, 77 configuring phoneset, 72 configuring phoneset keys, 69 configuring phoneset on the server, 72 configuring phonesets, 69, 71 unable to log on, 107
verifying agents configuration, 94 verifying phoneset configuration, 92, 94
BGDATA configuring, 44 updating table, 44
Business Group, logon parameters, 85
Call Agent Card, 15
configuring, 66
configuring in controlled mode, 62
configuring in default mode, 62 configuring on server, 68 verifying configuration, 95
client components, 16
components client, 16 server, 16
configuration checking for server, 81 DNIS sample script, 100 logon failure, 90
music and RAN routes sample script, 97 server, 80
server and switch datafill, 83 troubleshooting, 106 verification overview, 88 verifying ACD, 91
verifying ACD groups and subgroups, 91 verifying agent phonesets, 92 verifying agents, 94
verifying CDNs, 95 verifying DNISs, 99 verifying ICM link, 89
verifying music and RAN routes, 97 verifying phonesets, 92
verifying server logon, 89 verifying supervisor, 94 verifying supervisor phonesets, 93
configuring ACD, 60 ACD DN, 67 ACD groups, 57
ACD groups for ACD DNs, 60 ACD groups for agents, 60 ACD groups for CDN, 57 ACD subgroups, 65
agent logon IDs, 76 agent phoneset, 69 agent phoneset keys, 69
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