April 2004 | Troubleshooting |
The secondary DN is configured on the switch.
The secondary DN has the ECM configured properly on the switch.
The secondary DN is configured as an attribute of the correct phoneset on Symposium Call Center Server.
See also “The server does not receive information from the switch” on page 103.
Agents or supervisors are unable to log on
Ensure that the following conditions have been met:
The agent or supervisor’s logon ID is configured in table ACDLOGIN. (This is optional depending on the parameters set up on the switch.)
The agent or supervisor is configured correctly on Symposium Call Center Server.
The agent logon ID is a valid ID and matches the agent’s ID in
An agent is not attempting to log on to a supervisor phoneset, or a supervisor is not attempting to log on to an agent phoneset.
Another agent has not already logged on with the same logon ID.
See also “The server does not receive information from the switch” on page 103.
Supervisors are not notified of emergencies
If an agent’s supervisor is not notified when the agent presses the Emergency key, it can be the result of one of the following conditions:
The ACDEVENT is not correctly configured in table SCAISSRV. Ensure that the Aux and SuprPosID options for EMKEVENT are both set to Y.
The agent has logged on from a phoneset that has not been configured with the agent’s Position ID.
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