174 U3585-J-Z125-8-76
SELECT-PCA-CACHE Statements for nonprivileged users
SELECT-PCA-CACHESelect cache for PCA DEVICE report
This statement is used to select one or more caches of a controller to be displayed in the
PCA CACHE report. For each selected cache, a PCA DEVICE report is then output
containing monitored data on the individual devices supported by the cache.
CACHE Defines the caches for which monitored data is to be output in the
PCA DEVICE report.
=*NONE The PCA DEVICE report is not to be output.
=*ALL Monitored data is to be output for all caches of all controllers
Specifies the superordinate controller for the caches whose IDs are
subsequently specified. This must be specified using the controller’s
mnemonic name, which is up to 4 characters in length.
Specifies the cache IDs for the superordinate controller to be taken
into account when outputting the PCA DEVICE report. “number” is
a number between 0 and 62 inclusively.
Operation Operands
((CONTROLLER=cont1,CACHE-ID= number1