U3585-J-Z125-8-76 101
Statements for SM2 administrators OPEN-LOG-FILE
OPEN-LOG-FILEOpen SM2 output file
This statement is used to open an SM2 output file. The current monitoring cycle is inter-
An SM2 output file is opened; it includes the options listed below. If any other SM2 output
file has already been opened at this point in time, it will be closed immediately.
A SAM file with the name SM2.hostname.yyyy-mm-dd.sss.nn is opened, where hostname
stands for the name of the system as it appears on the screens, yyyy.mm.dd for the day and
the point in time the file was created, sss for the number of the BS2000 session and nn for
the current number of the SM2 output file within this session (counting from 1). The file is
created under the ID from which the OPEN statement was issued. For information on the
file attributes, see section “Writing to the SM2 output file” on page 195.
Opens a SAM or PAM file with the name and file attributes previously defined in a ADD-
FILE-LINK command. The link name SMLINK is to be used.