
3.13 16 bit timer / Event counter (TMRB)

The TMP92CZ26A incorporates two multifunctional 16-bit timer/event counter (TMRB0,
TMRB1) which have the following operation modes:
16 bit interval timer mode
16 bit event counter mode
16 bit programmable pulse gener ation mode (PPG)
Can be used following operation mod es by capture function.
Frequency measur ement mode
Pulse width measur ement mode
Timer/event counter consists of a 16-bit up counter, two 16-bit timer registers (One of them
with a double-buffer structure), a 16-bit capture registers, two comparators, a capture input
controller, a timer flip-flop and a control circuit.
Timer/event counter is controlled by an 11-byte control SFR.Each channel(TMRB0,TMRB1)
operate independently.In this section, the explanation describes only for TMRB0 because each
channel is identical operation exc ep t for the difference as follo ws;
Table 3.13.1 Difference between TM RB0 and TMRB1
Specification TMRB0 TMRB1
External clock/
capture trigger input pins TB0IN0
(Shared with PP4) TB1IN0
(Shared with PP5)
pins Timer flip-flop output pins TB0OUT0
(Shared with PP6) TB1OUT0
(Shared with PP7)
Timer run register TB0RUN (1180H) TB1RUN (1190H)
Timer mode register TB0MOD (1182H) TB1MOD (1192H)
Timer flip-flop
control regist er TB0FFCR (1183H) TB1FFCR (1193H)
TB0RG0L (1188H) TB1RG0L (1198H)
TB0RG0H (1189H) TB1RG0H (1199H)
TB0RG1L (118AH) TB1RG1L (119AH)
Timer register
TB0RG1H (118BH) TB1RG1H (119BH)
TB0CP0L (118CH) TB1CP0L (119CH)
TB0CP0H (118DH) TB1CP0H (119DH)
TB0CP1L (118EH) TB1CP1L (119EH)
Capture register
TB0CP1H (118FH) TB1CP1H (1 19FH)