
stock User-defined name in the JSL that specifies a certain type of paper for printing a job. See also cluster.

stockset Collection of stocks to be used on a print job. See also stock; cluster.

string Connected sequence of alphanumeric characters treated as one unit of data by a program.

synchronous Efficient encoding of data suitable for high-speed, block-oriented data transmission by using equal time elements.

sysgen system generation

syntax Rules governing the structure of expressions in a programming language.

system controller Part of the LPS that provides interfacing capability, data handling, formatting, buffering, and operator control for the system. Also referred to as the “ESS.”

tape density Number of characters that can be stored on magnetic media, such as how close together data can be recorded. The Xerox LPS may use either 1600 bpi or 6250 bpi density magnetic media.

task 1. Any major job performed by a computer. 2. One of several programs being executed by a system.

teleprocessing Sending and receiving data through telecommunication lines for processing among various remote terminals and the central processing unit (CPU).

throughput In data processing systems, the amount of data that can be processed, transmitted, printed, and so on, per a specified unit of time.

TL/DL text line/display list

TOF top of form

tpi tracks per inch TPJ test pattern job

trailer In data communications, the last portion of a message that signals the end.

transaction Method of data processing in which files are updated and results processing are generated immediately after data entry.

truncated Cut off before completion, as when data transfer from a host to a printer is cut off before all data has been transmitted.

two-upApplication that prints two logical pages on one side of a physical page.


Using LCDS Print Description Language

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Xerox 701P21091 manual