TM-L90/TM-L90 with Peeler Technical Reference Guide
Q: Unable to print a part of Page 0 (for example ) in Visual Basic.
A:When programming with Visual Basic, limitations prevent data from 81h through 9Fh and E0h through FEh from being sent as characters. However, you can use the following procedure to send this data.
Dim Send_ data(0) As Byte
Send_data(0) = &h81 ’1 byte of sending data
MSComm1.Output = Send_data
Q: Does USB
A:Yes, but note that the speed of communication between the USB2.0 equipment and the printer is “USB full speed mode.”
USB2.0 defines three speeds: High speed (480 Mbps), Full speed (12 Mbps) and Low speed (1.5 Mbps). This printer supports only Full speed (12 Mbps) and Low speed (1.5 Mbps).lkLK
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