Removing Internal Drives
10. Go to Table 12 on page 286 to update the drive information;
then, return here to determine your next step.
11. Reinstall the side cover (see “Installing the Side Covers” on
page 203).
12. Close and lock the front bay door.
13. When you have no more options to install, run the System
Configuration Utility to specify that the drive is not installed in
the system. If your server has a RAID adapter installed, refer to
the RAID adapter documentation for details about configuration
requirements. Record the RAID configuration information in
the appropriate tables in “Installed Device Records” on
page 280.
What to do next?
Installing a microprocessor? — Go to “Installing a
Microprocessor” on page 86.
Removing a microprocessor? — Go to “Removing a
Microprocessor” on page 103.
Installing memory-module kits? — Go to “Installing
Memory-Module Kits” on page 113.
Removing memory-module kits? — Go to “Removing
Memory-Module Kits” on page 124.
Installing video memory? — Go to “Installing Video Memory”
on page 131.
Replacing the real-time clock? — Go to “Replacing the
Real-Time Clock” on page 137.
186 PC Server 704 User's Handbook