User Guide
Analog MultiVOIP Units (Models MVP130, MVP210, MVP410, MVP810,
| MVP210G, MVP410G, and MVP810G) |
Digital MultiVOIP Units | (Models MVP2400, MVP2410, & MVP3010) |
Upgrade Units |
This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior expressed
written permission from
Record of Revisions
Revision Description
AInitial Release. (05/10/02)
BIndex added. (05/24/02)
CUpdated for 4.03/6.03 software. (10/11/02)
D | Updated for 4.04/6.04/8.04/9.04 software. (03/20/03) | Add |
| embedded gatekeeper models, |
| MultiVantage Apx., SPP protocol, & Call State Apx. |
ERemove MultiVantage. (04/18/03)
GAdd MVP130 information. (06/30/03)
HRevisions to
This Product is covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patent Numbers: 6151333, 5757801, 5682386, 5.301.274; 5.309.562; 5.355.365; 5.355.653; 5.452.289; 5.453.986. Other Patents Pending.
Trademark of
2205 Woodale Drive
Mounds View, Minnesota 55112