Getting started

Using memory transmission

Your fax machine has a great memo ry ! And, because it does, it can finish fax jobs
more quickly than otherwise would be possible.
By automatically scanning your fax document into, then transmitting from, its
memory — rather than transmitting each part of the scan only as q ui ckly as th e
receiving fax machine can receive it — your fax machine can hand you back your
original document more rapidly.
And here’s a real money saver on long distance fax calls: if you’re trans mitting to
another memory-equipped Muratec fax machine, your machine will send the
document directly into the other machine’s memor y an d h ang u p ! ( Th e receiving
machine then prints out your message from its memory.) This cuts your actual on-
line time to a minimum.
Better still: set up a delayed command (see pages 2.21–2.23) to send your document
to that other Muratec fax machine after hours, and you’ll save two ways on the call:
not only will the call itself be short, but also the line charges will be cheaper!
You can set your fax machine always to transmit from memory as a default.
Note: Whichever choice you make, you can override that choice one transmission
at a time by pressing MEMORY TRANSMIT. (However, see the “Important”
item, below.) After completing the communication, your fax machine will
return to your desired transmission setting.
Note: Although it’s probably best to decide to transmit from memory, be aware
that certain types of documents can quickly exhaust even your machine’s
large memory supply. Obviously, documents with large numbers of pages
qualify; so do documents with lots of dark areas, since darker pages create
more data for your fax machine to “remember” and send. When the
machine’s memory supply is full, it can transmit only in normal (i. e., non-
memory) mode.
Important: When you transmit using the FBS, your machine always transmits
from memory. This choice is available only when you transmit using
the ADF.
To make memory transmission the def au lt fo r tran smissions from the ADF:
1. If the machine is in Fax mode, proceed to step 2.
If it is in Copy mode, press COPY/FAX to change to Fax mode.
2. Press PROGRAM, J, 1, 3, ENTER.
Memory Tx: On
If the setting you see is acceptable, skip to step 4.
Otherwise, proceed to step 3.
3. To change the setting, press PROGRAM once or twice. In this example,
we’ve chosen Off.
Memory Tx: Off
4. Press ENTER to save the setting.

Toggling between Fax mode and Copy mode

To toggle (switch between) Fax mode or Copy mode, simply press COPY/FAX.
The glowing LED tells you the current machine mode:
Fax mode Copy mode