Beyond the bas cs

17. Each bulletin box has four additional settings:

Protected reception (shown on the display as “Rx Protect”) Automatic printing (“Auto Print”)

Document overwriting (“Overwrite Doc.”)

Erasure of transmitted documents (“Erase Tx Doc.”)

We will now explain all four. For each: to toggle its displayed choice between Off and On, press PROGRAM repeatedly until your desired choice appears. Then press ENTER to save the choice and proceed to the next setting. When you complete the last setting (erasure of transmitted documents), you’ll move on to step 18.

Protected reception determines whether this box is open to receive documents which callers may poll.

Rx Protect :Off


If protected reception is On, this box will not accept documents (making the next two settings irrelevant, although the machine will show them anyway).

If protected reception is Off, this box will accept documents. Make your choice and press ENTER to proceed to the next setting.

Automatic printing determines whether the machine will print a document automatically upon receiving it into this box:

Auto Print :Off


Note: This setting has effect only if protected reception (see above) is set to Off.

If automatic printing is On, documents will print automatically as soon as the box receives them.

If protected reception is Off, you will have to print manually any documents this box receives if you want them printed. (For more information, see page 2.56.)

Make your choice and press ENTER to proceed to the next setting.

Document overwriting determines whether the box will overwrite (erase) any documents it is currently storing whenever it receives a new document:

Overwrite Doc. :Off


Note: This setting has effect only if protected reception (see left column) is set to Off.

If document writing is On and your machine receives a new document into this box, it will erase any documents currently stored there.

If document writing is Off and your machine receives a new document into this box, it won’t erase any documents currently stored there. Your machine can store up to 30 documents (not pages) in each box.

Make your choice and press ENTER to proceed to the next setting.

Erasure of transmitted documents, the final setting for the bulletin box, determines whether the machine erases a document from the box after a caller polls the document:

Erase Tx Doc. :OFF


If this setting is On, your machine erases a document from the box as soon as it sends it; thus, this bulletin box can be polled only once per document.

If this setting is Off, your machine does not erase a document from the box when it is polled. As long as your unit holds AC power and you do not otherwise erase the document from the box, the document is available indefinitely for polling.

Make your choice and press ENTER to finish the settings for this bulletin box and proceed to step 18.

18. The display now shows:

03:Set F-Code Box F-Code Passcode:0000

The machine is asking for this bulletin box’s four-digit security passcode. This passcode affects only the box’s bulletin box capabilities, and is not the same passcode you entered in steps 6–7. If you set this passcode, you subsequently will have to enter the passcode before you can make any changes to the box’s security box settings or before you either can print or view any document received in this bulletin box.

If you do wish to enter or change this passcode, proceed to step 19.

If this is a newly created box and you do not wish to enter this passcode, enter 0000 (four zeroes), then skip to step 21.

If this is a previously created box and you do not wish to change this passcode, skip to step 21.


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Image 97
Muratec MFX-1500 manual Rx Protect Off Program/Enter