2. Replace the old battery and close the battery door by
twisting it clockwise until it is firmly in place.
Remember to set the profiles after every battery
replacement or reset.
A heart rate monitor is the most important tool in
cardiovascular health and an ideal training partner. It
enables you to see and monitor results. This helps you
assess your past performance, maximise your work out and
adapt your future exercise program to achieve your desired
goals in a safer and more effective way.
When you exercise, the chest belt picks up your heartbeat
and sends it to the watch. Now you can view your heart rate
and start monitoring your performance based on your heart
rate readings. As you get fitter, your heart will need to do
less work and the speed of your heart rate will decrease.
The reason for this is as follows:
Your heart pumps blood to your lungs to obtain oxygen.
Then, the oxygen rich blood will travel to your muscles.
The oxygen is used as fuel and the blood leaves the
muscles and returns to the lungs to begin the process
again. As you get fit, your heart is able to pump more
blood with every beat. As a result, your heart doesn’t
have to beat as often to get the necessary oxygen to
your muscles.
To gain the maximum benefit from your training program,
and to ensure that you exercise safely, please observe the
following guidelines:
Start with a well-defined training goal, such as to lose
weight, keep fit, improve health or compete in a sporting
Select a training activity you enjoy, and vary your
training activities to exercise different muscle groups.
Start slowly, and then gradually step up your work out
as you become fitter. Exercise regularly. To maintain
a healthy cardio-vascular system, 20-30 minutes three
times a week is recommended.
Always allow at least five minutes before and after
exercising for warm-up and cool-down.
Measure your pulse after training. Then repeat the
procedure again after three minutes. If it does not
return to its normal resting rate, you may have trained
too hard.
Always check with your doctor before starting a vigorous
training program.
The watch is water-resistant up to 50 metres. The chest belt
is water-resistant up to 10 metres, but should not be worn
for underwater activities, as the heart rate transmission
cannot occur under water. Refer to the table for proper use