Communication Information
| Feature name | Description | Reference | ||
| |
| Canceling Transmission or | This feature cancels a file (res- | P.15 | “Canceling Transmission | |
| Reception | ervation) for Memory Trans- | or Reception” | ||
| mission, Transfer Request, |
| |
| Polling Reception. |
| |
| |
| Displaying the Transmission | Part of the Journal can be | P.17 | “Checking the Transmis- | |
| Result | shown on the display. The re- | sion Result (TX File Status)” | ||
| sults of the last 50 transmis- |
| |
| sions are displayed from the |
| |
| latest one. |
| |
| |
| Displaying the Reception Re- | Part of the Journal can be | P.18 | “Checking the Reception | |
| sult | shown on the display. The re- | Result (RX File Status)” | ||
| sults of the last 50 receptions |
| |
| are displayed from the latest |
| |
| one. |
| |
| |
| Printing the TX File List | The transmission file list can | P.19 | “Printing a List of Files in | |
| be manually printed. This list | Memory (Print TX File List)” | ||
| allows you to know the files |
| |
| stored in memory or the file |
| |
| numbers. |
| |
| |
| Printing a stored Message | Prints the contests of a fax that | P.20 | “Printing a Stored Mes- | |
| is stored in memory and has | sage” |
| |
| not been sent yet. |
| |
| |
| Printing the Journal | The Journal can be manually | P.21 | “Printing the Journal” | |
| printed. This report shows the |
| |
| results of the last 50 communi- |
| |
| cations. |
| |
| |
| Displaying the Memory Sta- | The status of the memory is | P.22 | “Displaying the Memory | |
9 | ||||||
| tus | shown on the display. | Status” | |||