More Transmission Functions
More Transmission Functions
Auto Fax Reception Power-up
This machine can be set to shut down automatically if nobody has used it for a while. In these situations, even though the operation switch is off, the machine can still receive incoming messages as long as the Main Power switch is on.
❒Reception is not possible if both the operation switch and Main Power switch are turned off.
❒By default, messages are printed as soon as they are received (Immedi- ate Reception). To change this, see P.72 “User Parameters” (Switch14, Bit0).
Dual Access
The machine can scan other messages into memory even while sending a fax message from memory, receiving a message into memory , or automat- ically printing a report. Since the ma- chine starts sending the second message immediately after the cur- rent transmission terminates, the line will be used efficiently.
Note that during Immediate Trans- mission or when in User Tools mode, the machine cannot scan an original.
Transmission with Image
For most purposes, set A4/LT origi- nals in the landscape direction (L). If you set an A4/LT original in the por- trait direction (K), the image will be
sent rotated by 90°. Providing the re- 3 ceiver has A4/LT landscape paper
(L), the message will be printed the same size as the original.
❒This feature is not available with Immediate Transmission.
Checking the Transmission
•Turn the Communication Result Report on if you want a report to be printed after every successful transmission. See P.34 “Printed Re- port”.
If you leave the Communication Result Report off, the report will not be printed after every trans- mission. However, should a trans- mission fail, a Communication Failure Report will be printed in- stead.
•If you turn the Transmission Re- sult Report (Immediate Transmis- sion) off, the Error Report will be printed when the communication on fails.
•You can also check the transmis- sion result by examining the Jour- nal. See P.21 “Printing the Journal”. You can either print or scroll through the Journal on the display. See P.17 “Checking the Transmission Result (TX File Status)”.