Transmission Features
C Enter the search letter by pressing one of the Quick Dial keys (A to Z).
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❒The names or fax numbers reg- istered in Speed Dials are shown in numerical order on the display.
D Press 0 or 1 until the destina- tion you are searching for is dis- played and press the {OK} key.
❒If you make a mistake, press the {Cancel} key to try again.
❒If you wish to dial another des- tination, press the {OK} key and dial another fax number.
E Press the {Start} key.
The machine memorizes the last 10 destinations that have been dialed. If you wish to send a message to a des- tination which you faxed to recently, the Redial feature saves you finding and entering the number again.
A Set your original and select any scan settings you require.
BPress the {Pause/Redial} key.
C Press 0 or 1 until the destina- tion you want to redial is dis- played.
DPress the {OK} key.
E Press the {Start} key.
❒The following kinds of destina- tions are not memorized.
•Quick Dials
•Speed Dials
•Group Dials
•Destinations dialed as End Receivers for Transfer Re- quest
•Any destinations if multiple destinations were dialed
•Destinations dialed by Redi- al (regarded as already mem- orized)