•When "td" (= 30msec) passes after the voltage reaches 4.25V by turning on the power, the output is drive to HIGH.
"td" is set by the external capacitor (C106).
Block diagram
| Power |
| 5µA |
R1 | reference | |
| - | Output |
R2 |
| - |
+ |
| |
| 1.25V |
| GND | Delay capacity |
Powervoltage | 4.25V |
0.65V | t | |
| |
state | H |
Output | ta | ta |
L | t | |
Output not constant ta = 30m sec
(12) Operation panel
•The operation circuit is composed of the key matrix circuit and the
display matrix circuit.
Key detection: With the signal detected by Q1 ∼ Q7 and KI0 ∼ KI3 signal matrix at LOW (GND) and Q2 ∼ Q7 at HIGH (open), the level of KI 0 ∼ KI3 is checked to judge whether key matrix 1, 2, and
3 are HIGH or LOW, judging on/off.
For Q2 ∼ Q7, switching is made every 2msec to judge each of them.
+5V2 | +5V1 |
| KI0 |
| KI1 |
TD62504 | KI2 |
| |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
M66313 |
| Q4 |
12 – 15