TheStarLaserPrinter8isidealfordesktoppublishingThepagesitproduces. makeperfectphotocopyor
Font options
Youcan print with an amazinglywidevarietyof type fontsand sizes.The
8.5pointsto 12pointsin size (apoint is about 1/72of an inch). These fonts arc:
Courier | Prestige Elite |
Tms Romn | Li no Pr i ntar |
Besidesfiese, you maybe ableto use optionalcartridgesand disksto give your Star L&serPnnter8 a varietyof extra fonts,such as these:
Helvet | line drawing |
Letter Gothic | presentationfonts |
Bar codes | opticalcharacterreaderfontsuniversalproductcode |
You can load your Star LaserPrinter 8’s memory with fonts stored on computerdisks. Literallyhundredsof fonts are marketedby
Ask your Star LaserPrinter8 dealer about resourceslike these. Desktop publishingwith laser printers is