Margins, columns and lines
Youcanchangemarginsettingsforallfouredgesof apage.Theleftandright side marginscan have valuesfrom Oto 132,definingthe margin columns betweenwhichwords and imagescarIbe printed.And the top and bottom marginscan be set at anywherefrom Oto 112lines.
Top Margin
Side Margins
Text |
| |
Length |
| { |
| |
| ||
{ | ‘\Line | / |
| |
| |||
| Column / |
| ||
@19 | Bottom Margin | Landscape | ||
Porlrait | ||||
| |||
Orientation |
| Orientation |
The actualmeaningof a columnis definedby the settingfor the horizontal motion index (HMI). The HMIjust means how wide you want the space characterto be. Eachcolumn,ruining frompagetop to bottom,will be the widthof a space.
Youprobablywilllet yoursoftwareworryaboutthe spacewidth.Butif you want,you can set the HMI parameteron the panelin incrementsof 1/120
Similarly,themeaningof a line(sometimescalleda “row”)is definedbythe vertical motion index (VMI).The printermovesthe print positiondown a line when it gets a Line Feed code, usually when it bumps into the right margin.
Again, you’llprobablylet your computerprogramset the line depth. But from the panel you can set the VMI value in incrementsfrom 1/48 to 255/48of an inch.