secondaryfonts?Youwanttoselecta downloadedfontIDasyoursecondary font. This is the commandto send:

<ESC>) n X

Font attributes

The third way to selecta fontis to simplydescribewhatfont attributesyou want.(Remember,selectinga fontdoesnotmodifya font.Youcan’tgetbold or 14-pointcharactersifyoudon’thaveaboldor 14-pointfontintheprinter.)

In listingthe attributesyouwant,it willhelpyouto prioritizethemthe same wayyourLaserPrinter8does.Yourpnnterranksthevariousattributesafont can havethis way (from most to least important):

orientation symbolset

spacing(proportionalor monospaced) pitch (charactersper inch)

font height(in points) style(italicor upright)

strokeweight(lightto bold) typeface

The laser printer just zips down this chain of attributes one by one, eliminatingfontsthatdon’tmatchwhatyouwant,untilit getsdownto one uniquefontthat matchesyourrequest.If the printermatchesdown to, say, styleor weightbut can go no further,it willgiveyouits closestfontto your request.

And if you don’t specifya particularvalue for some attribute,the printer assumesyou wantthe valuethat attributehad in the last fontyou specified (or thedefaultvalueif you’vejust turnedon the printer).This can saveyou someeffort:if thefontyouwanthasan attributethesameas thecurrentfont, you don’thave to specifythat attributeagain.


Portrait orientation prints text across the width of a page. Landscape orientationprintstext sidewaysup the lengthof a page.

The Star LaserPrinter8 is more flexibleaboutorientationthan most other laser printers;it lets you simply rotate any portrait font to the landscape orientationor viceversa.To startyouoff whenyou changeorientation,the printer resets all its margins and its column and line definitionsto their


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Star Micronics 8 Series manual Font attributes