The Epson
With the
Default font attributes
Whenyoupoweron yourprinterandchooseanemulation,theinternalfonts startoff withdefaultattributeswhichyoucanchangeasneeded.Thedefault symbolsets dependon the emulation:in LaserJetII and Diablomodesthe defaultis
Besidesthese, all internalfontsdefaultto portraitorientation,uprightstyle (notitalics)andmediumboldness.Thetablebelowshowsthcirotherdefault attributes:
Typeface | Spacing | Pitch | Font height |
Courier | monospaced | 10 | 12point |
PrestigeElite | monospaced | 12 | 10point |
Tms Romn | proportional | – | 10point |
Line Printer | monospaced | 16.6 | 8.5 point |
Technically,youcanuseanyoftheStarLaserPrinter8’sresidentfontswhen yousendcommandsemulatinga particularprinter.Buteachemulationonly printsproperlywiththefontsdesignedforit. Furthermore,youcanonlyuse symbol sets, or arrangementsof those fonts, which that emulation can handle. So be aware that, if you try using fonts other than those recom- mended for a particular emulation,you will usually get printing in the emulation’sdefaultfont.
If you wanta characterthat’snot in the font you’reusing,don’thesitateto grab it. Just sendthe Escapesequencesthat selectyourdesiredsymbolset, print with it, then go back to youroriginalfont.