The fontsyou use determinewhatyourpageswilllook like. In this chapter we’ll first clarify the meaningsof wordspeopleuse when they talk about fonts.

Next we’ll examinethe threekindsof fonts(internal,cartridgeand down- loaded) that you can use on your Star LaserPrinter 8. We’ll cover the particularsets of symbolsyou can choosefor those fontstoo.

Finally,we’ll find out how to load the printerwith your selectionof fonts.


Typefacesand fonts

First, a few definitions.A typefaceis a familyof characterswith the same basicdesign.The artisticcharacterdesignyouchooseestablishesthe “tone of voice”for all yourdocuments.

Several variables can characterize typefaces, including weight (light, mediu’m,bold),width(condensedor extended),andstyle(uprightor italic). Courier,forexample,is atypefacefamilythatincludesthecharactersinboth Courier medi urnitalic and Courier bold upright

Let’sconsiderthesevariables.Boldpnnt is sometimescalled“emphasized” or’’double-strike”Onearlierprintersboldfaceisgeneratedbyprintingeach. charactertwice;dot-matrixmachinesprintthesecondimpressionjust a hair belowor to the rightof the first one.

With the Star LaserPrinter8 you can have differentstrokeweightsin two ways, dependingon which emulationyou are using. You can have two differentfonts,storingandswitchingbetweena boldanda mediumversion of the font.Or youcanusejust onefontandsetboldon andoff withEscape sequences.The latter way usesjust half as much fontmemory.


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Star Micronics 8 Series manual Typefacesand fonts