Optional fonts

Manyoptionalfonts availablefor your StarLaserPrinter8 complementits internalfonts.Thesecangiveyoumorevarietyin symbolsets,spacing,font height,style and strokeweight.To your Courieror Tms Romn fonts, for example,youmightadditalicsandbold,legalor mathsymbolsets,andsizes rangingfrom 7 to 14points.

Optionalfontsofferdifferenttypefacestoo.AskyourStarMicronicsdealer aboutcartridgesor disks for the following:


line drawingfonts

Letter Gothic


Bar codes

opticalcharacter~ader fonts



Using cartridge fonts

To gain accessto a font on a cartridge:

1)press the ON LINE buttonto put the printeroffline,

2)slidethe cartridgeyouwantintooneof thecartridgeslotson the front of the printer,

3)pressthe ON LINE buttonto put the printerback online,

4)use eitherthe frontpanelmenuor a commandfrom yourcomputerto select the font you want (explainedfor each emulationin following chapters).

Note: Do not insertor pullcartridgesout of the printerwhilethe printeris online.

You can use fontsfrom both cartridgeslots withinone document.

Acoupleof intcrcslingnotes aboutdefaultcartridgefonts: First, say you haveselcctcdon the frontpanelmenua cartridgefont as yourdefaultfont. Lateryouturnofftheprinter.Ifyouslipthecartridgebackin beforeyouturn on the printeragain,that font will still be yourdefaultfont.

Second,somecartridgescontaintheirowndefaultfont.Thatmeansas soon as you slide such a cartridgeinto the printer,that cartridge’sdefault font becomes the printer’s new default font automatically.To change the printer’sdefaultfromthatonthecartridgeyoumustselectanotherfontfrom the front panel.


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Star Micronics 8 Series manual Optional fonts, Using cartridge fonts