FactorysettingsarcprogrammedintotheStarLascrPnntcr8whenit is built at the factory.Yourprinterkeepsthe factorysettingsfor iLsparametersin ROM;theyncvcrchangc.Youcancopythcmiruothecurrentsettingsor any other settingsas needed. But the only way you can return to the factory dcfaulLsis fromthe frontpanel;no commandsdo this.
A few factory default settings arc as follows:
Itcm | Factory default setting |
Emulation | HP LaserJet series II |
Fccdcr | Paper cassctle |
Number of’Copies | 1 |
Oricntatim | Portrait |
Font | |
Lines/inch | 6 linesper inch |
Youprobablywillnot of’tcnchangethe StarLaserPrinter8‘s initialsettings (sometimescalled“sessionsettings”).You’lllikelyonlychangethcmwhen you want to use a different pnntcr cmulationthan normal. These initial settingsstay the same as the
On the otherhand,yoursoftwarewillprobablychangethe currentsettings manyJimcswithinthe samedocument,with every changeof fontor print style.
How to change parameters
Withthepnntcroffline,if youpressthePROGRAM buttontheprintergoes into “program”mode. You can then step throughthe laser printer’s four ICVCISof programmenu to configureyour prinlcr.That’s the processof changingcertainprintersettingsso yourcomputerandprintercan commu- nicate properly.
It’s actuallyprettyeasy. Flippingthroughand settingparametersfromthe panelis dcscnbcdin detailin the StarLuserPrintcr8 OperationsManual.
Basically,all you do is press the NEXT or PREV1OUS buttonsto scroll throughthe scqucnccof possibleparametersand values,which is clearly shownon the paneldisplay.Youpress ENTER whenyouwantto go down