When you combineproportionalspacingwith automaticjustificationyou can get text that lookslike that in professionallytypesetbooks.
Anote, though: the proportionalspacing command can not change a
To enableproportionalprinting,send this command:
And to turn off proportionalprinting,send this command:
Whatif youneedto printnumbersin columnswithinproportionallyspaced text?No problem:just turn off proportionalspacingfor yournumbersand
Proportional spacing offset
If you are printingwith proportionalspacingyou can actuallycontrolthe oflset, or amountof space inserted betweencharacters.For instance,you might wantto justify a line of print yourself.
With the Spacing Offset command you can change the distance each characteradvancesin incrementsof 1/120thinch.The printercancelsthis commandwhen it receivesa carriagereturn, <ESC> X or anotheroffset command.That meansthis commandis effectivejust one line at a time.
To adjustthe offset,send this command:
For n you enter a figurethat sets the numberof
For example,the command<ESC> <DC1> 67 will decrease the space betweencharactersby 3/120inch,because3 plus 64 equals67.