DTR (DataTerminalReady)protocoldoes the same thing slightlydiffer- ently.The,printersendsa
Conversely,it’s thecomputerthatholdsthe reinswiththeETX/ACK(End-
Look in your computer’soperationsmanual, in the section dealing with communicationsprotocols,to sce whichis best for your system. You can stickto the printer’sdefaultsif yourcomputerusesneithertheDTRnor the ETX/ACKprotocol,but doesuse XON/XOFF.
If you want to enable DTR or ETX/ACK,or disableXON/XOFF,you’ll have to set those parametervalues accordingly.Turning on onc of these protocolsautomaticallyflips off the others.
Checking your connections
Yourcomputerandprintermayhavetroublecommunicatingwhenyou first introducethcmto eachother.The quickway to findoutif yoursettingsand printercableare workingis to sendyourprintera printoutfromyourscreen
Whenthat’sdoneyou willalsohaveto presstheprintbuttonon theprinter, whichm’akestheprinteradvanceto a new sheet.No laserprinterprintsand ejectsa pageuntilit’stoldto feeda form,or untilit has receivedallthelines the page can hold.
If your Star LaserPrinter8 doesn’tprint what’s on the computerscreen, recheck your connections and interface settings. With an applications