How to download fonts
To downloadfonts fromcomputerdisk you’llneed momthan a small64K microcomputer.We recommendat leasta 512Kcomputerwith a coupleof disk drives(a hard disk is better).
Many commercial
Most font files on disk that you buy to downloadinto your printer have Escapesequencesrightin the file, whichsimplifythe process.Usuallyall you have to do is copy the file from your computerinto your printer (in LaserJet11modeyou mustassigna fontID numberfirst). If you download
OK, let’s look at a coupleof examples.
Downloading a font: example one
Exampleonc is for a computerrunningjust
One of the disks you get also contains a batch tile named DOWNLOAD.BAT.To load the regularupright font you make sure the printeris online,then after yourcomputer’sA> promptyou type:
Whentheprogramasksforthe fontIDnumberyoukeyin a numberbetween Oand32767.ThenwhentheprogramaskswhetheryouwantLhefontstored permanently or temporarily you type either P or T (a tcmporary font disappearsif you press the printer’sRESET button).Finallythe program asks if you wantto print a sampleof the font and you reply Y or N for ycs or no.