Example: Font attributes
Let’sput the last half dozenfontaltnbutcstogetherin an example.Say we
We’ll go with the defaults for orientationand symbol set. But let’s be specificabouttheotherattributes,andlet’srememberto putthemin priority order.
Wedecideon a monospacedof 16.66charactersperinchanda heightofjust sevenpoints(footnotesshouldlooksmallerthanour regulartext).To keep it readable,we opt for the ordinaryuprightstyleand mediumweightin the Line Printer typeface.Our sequenceof individualcommandswould look like this:
<ESC>)S OP <ESC>)S 16.66H <ESC> )S 7V <ESC>)S OS <ESC>)S OB <ESC>)S OT
Since these font attributesall start with the same )s
<ESC>)S OP 16.66h 7V@ ObOT
The BASICstatcmentwc couldsendto selectour desiredfont wouldlook like this;
100 LPRINTCHR$(27);“)sOp16. 66h7vOsObOT”
And assuming we have such a font in our printer, we‘d get a font that looks like this sentence for our footnotes.
Underliningis printingfeature,not a font attribute.
You can underlinein two ways: as a print feature,or with the – underline character.If you backspaceand use the underlinecharacter,however,you often find the underlinedoesn’tcomeout the samelengthas your text.
The underlinecommand works better. When you turn on the underline