To movetheprintpositionhorizontallya certainnumbcrofdecipoints,send the command:

<ESC>&a n H

in whichfor n youenterthenumberofdecipointsyouwishto movetheprint position(precededby a+ or– signif youwanttomoveawayfromthecurrent position).

Youcanmovetheprintpositionhorizontallybydotsbothwaystoo.Youcan movea numberof dotsawayfromtheleftedgeof thepage,or youcanmove

anumberof dots away from the currentprint position. To movehorizontallythis way, send the command:

<ESC>*p n X

in whichfor n you put eitherthe numberof dotsaway fromthe pageedge, or (precededby a + or – sign) the relativenumberof dots away from the currentposition.

So to move20 dots from the left edge you send this command:

<ESC>*p 20X

And to move 20 dots to the left of the currentpositionyou send:

<ESC>*p –20X

Youcan alsomovethecursor8 columnsat a timehorizontallyby uscof the horizontaltab command.Simplysend a tab character:


to do this. Reversetabbingis not possible.

Moving the print position vertically

Youcan usc similarunits to move the print positionvertically:lines,dots, or decipoints.Both lines and decipointscan be fractionsto two decimal places.

Youcan alsomovetheprintpositionabsolutelydownfromthetop edgeof thepage,or relatively,awayfromthecurrentprintposition.Again,to show youwantto moveawayfromthecurrentprintpositionyouput a plus(+)or minus(–) sign beforethe numberof units you want to move.


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Star Micronics 8 Series manual Moving the print position vertically