Example: Macros
Tk followingprogramloads and runs a macro.The macro movesan inch and a half rightand downthreeinchesfromthe top left comer of the page, whereit prints a 25
100LPRINT CHR$(27) ; “&f6X”
200LPRINT CHR$(27) ; “&fIY”
300LPRINTCHR$(27) ; “&fOX”
400LPRINT CHR$( 27) ; “*p450xl 200Y”;
500LPRINTCHR$(27); “*c180h7200V” ;
600LPRINT CHR$(27); “*c25G”;
700LPRINTCHR$(27); “*c2P” ;
800LPRINT CHR$(12)
900LPRINT CHR$(27);”&flX”; 1000 LPRINTCHR$(27);’’&f2X”; 11OOEND
LinclOOclcarsanyexistingmacros,thenline200spccificsthatthis willbc macro IDnumbcr 1. Linc300 startsdownloadingthe macro.
Linc400movestheprintpositionto a spot450dotsrightand1200dolsdown from the top left comer of the page.
Lines500 through700 selectthe
At [he two line we selectour macroand actuallyrun it.