The EMULATE ATT../BUTES parameter
The EMULATEATTRIBUTESparameterdefinesfontattributesand setup values(if any) for each of the Star LaserPrinter8’s four emulationmodes.
A font’sattributes or characteristics determinewhatthatfontwilllooklike whenit is printed.The nextchapter,“Fonts,”exploresthedetailsof all font attributesin more detail. But let’s have a quick overviewnow, because you’llmeet theseterms on the frontpanel’sprogrammenu.
Font attributes: a preview
Orientation(portraitor landscapeas describedearlier)is usuallythoughtof as one attributeof a font; it’s not really a page formattingissue. Besides orientation,the fonts with whichyou print have theseattributes:
Symbolset is sometimescalled“characterset”- whichcan be confusing, sincesomepeoplesay “characterset”whenthey mean a font. Symbolsets are subgroupsof a font’s symbolsthat are most appropriatefor particular countries,such as the UK (f), France(h),Latin America(fi)or Japan (%).
Spacing andpitch are linked.Characterscan be spacedon the linepropor- tionally, so a narrowletter such as i takesless roomthan a wideletter like
W.Or characterscan be spacedallthesamewidth:twelvecharactersto the inch is the monospaced spacingcalled 12pitch.
Pointsize dcfincshowbigcharacterswillprint, suchas IOor 12pointshigh.
Styledefineswhethercharactersprint in uprightor italic style.
Stroke weight defineshow bold a typefaceprints.
Finally,typeface itself means the artisticdesign of a font. Your pnntcr’s internaltypefacesincludeTms Romn, Line Printer, Courierand Prestige Elite. Withthe Star LaserPrinter8 you can also use Helvet,Gothic,Script, Caslon,Oratorandhundredsmoretypefaces,whichyouloadintotheprinter from cartridgeor computerdisk.
Whenyouenablefontsetup parameters onthefrontpanel,itmeansyoustart off with particular font attributesas defaults when you first choose an