How your Iaserprinter communicates
Yourcomputercommunicateswiththe StarLaserPrinter8 througheithera parallel cableor one of two kindsof serial cable.The printer’sinterj2ace, the link or boundaryit shares with your computer,defines whether the printerwill acceptcharactersandcommandsfrom yourcomputerone byte or one bit at a time.
A bit is the smallestunitof computeror printermemory.It haseithera low or highelectriccharge,whichwe representwiththedigitsOand 1.Usually eight adjacentbits are grouped to form a byte. Since a byte normally representsonecharacter,this stringof bits-
The serial interfaceacceptsjust one bit at a time from your computer.A parallelinterfacecanhandlea wholebyteatonce,bymovingdatabitsside-
The Star LaserPrinter 8 is a computer
The Star LaserPrinter8 first maps the charactersto be printedinto its own randomaccessmemory(RAM).Thatis, theprinterbuildsa “picture”in its memorycorrespondingto thepageyouwantto print.Whenthat’sdonethe pnntercan reproducethepageontopaperon itsown,lettingyourcomputer get on’with other work.
YourStarLaserPrinter8 comeswithone megabyteof
AMotorola68000computerchipcontrolsboththememoryandtheprinting mechanismintheprinter,calledtheprintengine.Theprintcrstoresa whole page in RAM before printingit. (If a page is so dense that it overflows