Hints: Paper, labels and transparencies



The best paper for the Star LaserPrinter 8 has a smoothfinishand is of

20to 24 poundweight.Any paperdesignedfor photocopiersshoulddo the trick though;Xerox4024 and CanonNP print nicely. High quality cotton bond paper,whichcontainsup to 25 percentcottontibres,works passablywell with even heavierweights.

The absolutelimits arc 16-poundpaper al the light end and 35-pound stockattheheaviest.Withhcavypaper,openthetray sothepageswillbc dclivcrcdfaceup and won’thaveto bend over the final rollers.

Be awarethat any puckeredor wovenfinishmay not print as sharplyas you‘dlike.Avoidshinycoatedpaperor multipartforms.Anddon’teven thinkaboutputtingin stapledor rippedpages.

If you frequentlychangepaper weights,you will probablyget skewing problcms—lines that print al an anglebecauseof misfccding.For best results,whenyourStarLaserPrintcr8is firstset uphavethepaperfccdcr “squared”for paperof-at Icast20 pounds.Lighterpaper,thoughchcapcr, isn’t reallythe way to cconomizc.

Wantto printon yourown preprintedIcttcrhcad?Fine—so longas your logo isn’t thermographed.Thick coloredink may look luxurious,but it can also windup stuckalloveryourpnntcr’sroller.Stay awayfrom any inksthatsoftenat relativelylowtemperatures;yourprinterfusespagesat


Thiswarningappliesto coloredpapertoo,if it hasbeentintedwitha 1ow- tcmpcraturcdye.

The toncrcartridgcin yourStarLascrPrintcr8 shouldprintat least4000 pages,20 refillsof the papertray.The costof replacinga tonercartridge is not much more than that of replacingprintwheelsand ribbonson a daisywhcc.1printer.

But you canextendthe life of a cartridge:Set the printdensityto 7 or 8 formostof yourprinting—firstdraftsandinternalcompanywork—and just turn the dialbackto 4 or 5 for reportsor lettersthat mustlook great.

CAUTION: the rollers beside the dial may be very hot.


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Star Micronics 8 Series manual Hints Paper, labels and transparencies