For example,say you haveset the pagelengthto 84 lines (legalsize paper at 6 lines per inch),with the top-of-page8 linesdown. You then send:
Thiswillgiveyou8linesoftopmargin(impliedbyyourtop-of-pagesetting) and 8 linesof bottommargin.The printerknowsyou want84-16=68 lines of text,so it printsthose,skips8 linesat the bottomof the first page,plus 8 more lines at the top of the nextpageto makeup the totalperforationskip of 16 lines.
lopofpaw -8 Iirw
teal-68 lines
If youchangelinespacingaftergivingthiscommand,youwon’taffectthese marginsettings.However,if youchangepagelengthyouwillhaveto setthe perforationskip again.
To set Skip-Over-Perforationto zero lines, send this command(the letter after the <ESC>code is the capitalletter“o”):