To selectfont heightfor the secondaryfont,send this command:
<ESC>)S /z V
Styledefineswhetheryourtextis printedin italicsor upright,thewaythese wordsare. Sendthis commandto selectthe styleyou wantfor the primary font:
<ESC>(S rz S
in whichfor n you enter O if you wantnormaluprighttext,
or 1 if you want italics.
To selectstyleforthesecondaryfont,just reversetheparenthesisandusethe same n numbers:
<ESC>)S ~ S
Rememberthatstyleis a
Stroke weight
The weightof a font defineshowlightlyor boldlyit prints.
With LaserJet11emulationyou can be more flexibleabout stroke weight thanwiththeboldon/offcommandsof theotheremulations.The following commandgives you a range of 15 degreesof boldness,thoughnol many fontsexploitthat range.
Sendthiscommandto selectaprimaryfontwithyourdesiredstrokeweight:
<ESC>(S /z B
in whichyou replacen with a numberfrom
To selectthe strokeweightfor lhe secondaryfont, use the same numbers with this command:
<ESC>)S /z B
An incidentalnote:You willlikelyuse optionalfontsto giveyouboldface, so probablydon’tneedto knowthis. But it’s possibleto printbold wi~houl evenhavingaboldfontin theprinter.Youjust printthetextyouwantin bold two times,with the overprintoffsetby 4 decipoints.